Libby Spencer has more on the controversy surrounding Gonzales / the fired attorneys: only a matter of time “before Gonzales will be canned”? And she wonders whether US Attorney Paul Charlton of the District of Arizona was fired for a failed porn case…
Amba links to a very interesting blog (that of her daughter). As Amba writes: “above all savor the wry, wistful, deceptively offhand voice of a real writer — and blogger — and yes, I would say that even if she weren’t my blood.”
Preemptive Karma has a post up about reports that extremists “may be driving your kids’ school buses.” I wouldn’t worry about that, it’s not as if terrorists have already used, say, planes to commit terrorist attacks…
Dick Polman: Friday’s (yesterday) document dump. What’s that, you ask? “It means […] releasing new information that makes it [Bush administration] look bad, and hoping all the while that relatively few people will take notice – because the news audience is generally smallest on a Saturday.”
Sean Aqui summarizes and responds to Andrew Cohen’s “excellent four-part series outlining why Alberto Gonzales needs to go, and who should replace him.”