Extra attention to a few Centrist blogs.
To get it started: PatHMV at Stubborn Facts on Bush’s new plan for Iraq. It’s ‘a pretty in-depth look at the plan and its roots in the Baker Group report’, as Pat himself put it and that’s putting it lightly. A great read, whether one completely agrees with the analysis or not.
After reading Pat’s post, go read this article written by Bobby. Why is this a must read post? Because Bobby is leading a PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) in Iraq. He knows what he’s talking about (which doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to agree with every single thing he writes, but it does mean that we should take his words very, very serious). A must read.
Andrew Sullivan remains unconvinced that the war against Iraq was doomed to fail from the start. He still believes that there was “a window of six months after Saddam’s fall to avoid the centrifugal disintegration of Iraq.” I agree.
Michael J. Totten (half-) recommends what seems to be a highly interesting book: The Foreigner’s Gift by Fouad Ajami. It is about “the Americans, the Arabs, and the Iraqis in Iraq.”
Michael only read 1/3 of the book so far, so instead of “vouch[ing] for it per se, [he published] an excerpt from the beginning” so that readers can easily decide for themselves whether they want to read it or not.
I did and I want.
Michael Linn Jones published an analysis of Bush’s new plan and his situation at the Gun Toting Liberal. Michael writes that ‘we’ are now dealing with another (Lyndon B. Johnson’s Vietnam) ‘cargo cult’. By that he means, “a state of mind that precludes initiative because someone else is taking care of business.” As always with Michael (and the GTL crew in general) a great, interesting read.
And that was your Center of Attention for today, Thursday January the 11th, 2007.