This will be my last “update” on yesterday’s tragedy.
But before posting the latest updates, just a couple of remarks.
I concluded my update last night with the following words:
In his news conference, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik lamented the political situation in Arizona and America in no uncertain terms. But that’s for another day.
Well, for many that “other day” already came yesterday and continues today—and will probably continue for days and weeks, making this horrible day “the longest day.”
Yes, we must investigate; yes, we must look at the underlying reasons, if any, and, yes, we must see if we can learn something from this tragedy to prevent—or at least minimize—similar tragedies in the future.
But, I am talking about the knee-jerk, finger pointing and “blame-the-other-side” rhetoric that has already started, not only in this and other threads, but also everywhere.
I am talking about, for example, how some from “the left” point to a U.S. map at the site of a prominent conservative politician with some “loaded” words and gun sights on the districts of vulnerable Democrats—including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. An example, quickly reciprocated by some from “the right” by pointing to similar maps and words by liberal web sites against the Congresswoman.
And there are numerous other examples, some too pathetic to even mention.
True, there is still “prejudice and bigotry” in our country—even a “little bit” is too much. True, there is too much vitriol, hate and divisiveness. However, instantaneous and automatically condemning the other side for every tragedy possibly the result of such, in my opinion, will not solve such problems. On the contrary—and as we are seeing in the microcosm of these threads here at TMV—it just inflames passions and increases mutual resentments.
I will not be a party to it—not today.
Now the updates—midnight to 10:00 AM CST— mostly from the Huffington Post:
Contrary to some reports, the hospital where Giffords is being treated has denied reports that she is awake and speaking.
“She did not wake up,” hospital spokesman Darci Slaten told Politico. “She’s not talking to anybody.”
A “heroic intern,” Daniel Hernandez, a brand-new intern for Giffords, rushed to provide Giffords probably life-saving medical attention until the paramedics arrived.
House Speaker John Boehner announced this morning that the flags on the House side of the U.S. Capitol will be flown at half-mast in honor of Gabe Zimmerman, Giffords’ aide who was killed yesterday.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Department has released a photograph of a man they believe may be associated with Jared Lee Loughner: “He is described as a Caucasian male, approximately 40-50 years old, dark hair and was last seen wearing blue jeans and a dark blue jacket.”
10:00 PM CST
This will be the the last update on this tragic event today.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Office has released the identities of the six people killed in this morning’s tragic shooting:
-John Roll, 63, a federal district court judge.
-Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, Giffords’ director of community outreach
-Dorwin Stoddard, 76, a pastor at Mountain Ave. Church of Christ.
-Christina Greene, 9, a student at Mesa Verde Elementary
-Dorthy Murray, 76
-Phyllis Scheck, 79
Everyone except 9-year-old Christina Greene was pronounced dead at the scene. Greene was transported to University Medical Center where she was later pronounced dead.
May they rest in Peace.
8- 9:30 PM CST
Some very sad information on the 9-year-old girl who was shot in Tucson today and died:
A neighbor was going to the Giffords event and invited Christina along because she thought she would enjoy it, said her uncle, Greg Segalini. Christina had just been elected to the student council at her school.
The AP reports:
A law enforcement official tells The Associated Press that the handgun used in a shooting that killed a federal judge and wounded a U.S. congresswoman in Tucson, Ariz., was purchased legally.
Read more here
Latest Reports: 5- 8 PM CST
Sources: CNN, Pima County Sheriff Press briefing, Huffington Post
Nineteen victims, all shot: 6 dead, including 9-year-old girl. Rep. Giffords still in critical condition but expected to survive.
One of the victims killed today was Gabe Zimmerman, Rep. Giffords’ director of community outreach.
22-year old suspect, Jarred Loughner, does have a criminal background.
The U. S. Army has confirmed that Loughner was never in the Army. He attempted to enlist but the Army rejected him for service.
Authorities have reasons to suspect that Loughner did not act alone… are seeking a second suspect…actively in pursuit…have photo…white male in his 50s.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: All House legislative activity will be postponed one week, including efforts to repeal President Obama’s health care reform.
House will be in session but will not deal with substantive or controversial issues or legislation.
Earlier in the afternoon, a suspicious package was spotted at Giffords’ Tucson office and the immediate area was evacuated.
In his news conference, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik lamented the political situation in Arizona and America in no uncertain terms. But that’s for another day.
The President of the United States has spoken. The Governor of Arizona has spoken. Compassionate and soothing words.
Congresswoman Giffords is out of surgery and doctors continue to be optimistic about her recovery.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have passed away and their loved ones, and with those still in danger.
Unless there is some unforeseen development, I believe that a lot of the coverage today—this weekend—will be background, testimonials, “analyses,” predictions and even speculation.
I am sure readers will be well taken care of in all those areas by our numerous media sources, so I will stand now, for now.
However, should there be some truly breaking news, I’ll try to be here for you.
As reported by Joe Gandelman, my “other web site,” The Huffington Post, is maintaining current live updates on this tragedy.
3:15 PM
Federal Judge John M. Roll has died
Young child was nine years old
President Obama and Arizona governor to hold news conferences
Reports that second person has been arrested in Arizona
3:05 PM CST:
News Conference at Tucson Hospital:
Ten patients received
Five in critical condition
Five undergoing surgery
One young child died
Congresswoman Gifford in critical condition, was shot through the head. Doctor very optimistic about recovery
2:59 PM CST:
Name of suspect is, reportedly, Jared Loughner
2:55 PM CST:
Fox News: Suspect is a 22-year-old white male and AP has name of suspect but is not (yet) authorized to release it.
Fox Reports at 2:30 CST that “doctors have performed surgery on Rep. Giffords and that she is now at a point where she is responsive to doctors’ commands.” Fox was told this by Arizona State Senator Linda Lopez
The Washington Post reports:
Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot on Saturday morning while hosting an event outside a Tucson grocery store, according to local news reports.
National Public Radio reported Saturday that Giffords, who in November narrowly won reelection to a third term, was hosting her first “Congress on Your Corner” event when a gunman ran up and began shooting.
According to a local news report, Giffords was shot in the head at point-blank range. She was taken to University Medical Center in Tucson; her condition was not immediately known.
Afrter reports that the Congresswoman had died, Fox now reports that Giffords may still be alive, in surgery, in critical condition.
Let’s pray this report is correct.