The NYT printed this in part: “On Sept. 11, 2001, suicide hijackers crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center in New York, causing the 110-story twin towers to collapse. Another hijacked airliner hit the Pentagon and a fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.”
Just an editorial rewrite and additions in honor of the 125 souls lost at the Pentagon, in addition to the many souls lost in the trade towers and 4 airplanes on this day 11 years after the fact. I can barely stand to write about this, but feel pressed to not keep accepting pale descriptions of that day.
Calling a spade a spade in this instance, I hope will not allow the horror of that day, The Day of the Murdered Innocents, to fall under the waterline into vapid and tepid words that do not really tell the guts of the story. I’m not even sure I can tell all the guts of the story, but I can say this as tenderly and fiercely as possible…
On September 11, 2001, 19 religiously bankrupt drug addicts and whoremongers without souls, claiming to be devout Muslims, deliberately and with forethought murdered nearly 3000 innocents, by first murdering captains and co-pilots on airlines in flight…
and though those four airliners were filled with terrified souls who were no doubt pleading and praying, the 19 irreparable monsters were unmoved, as Satan is unmoved, and the 19 deliberately used the bodies of those weeping, praying and valiant passengers, and the metal and gasoline of the airliners themselves to fly straight into buildings, killing all aboard, and causing the abject destruction of INNOCENT human lives.
None of the murdered souls had ANY forewarning of impending kill order from the monsters, and thereby no chance to fight back. In the West, we call this on the part of the 19 faux Muslims, the height of cowardly action: to shoot unarmed persons in the back. There is a special place in hell, with 72 maggot infested non-virgins, that no doubt greeted the 19, whilst rabidly smacking their chops.
[As an aside, like the legendary Sirens of the island Anthemoessa, though their pre-press is they are just so beautiful and willing sexual servants to all men… but in mythic reality, let us just say, after the Sirens were done feasting on the bones of those stupid enough to believe they would be romanced by the Sirens, those sailors who jumped ship and swam to their island ended up on the offal pile, the marrow of their bones unprettily and unsexually, sucked out.]
George Bush who claimed ‘they tried to get my father,’ did not seem to realize that it was likely the murderers pretending to be devout Muslims, had aimed for the White House to murder GW Bush himself. But one plane flown by one satanic pilot of the 19 to who knows where –was instead brought down, it appears by heroic passengers, in a forest … instead of being deliberately driven into the White House.
It is true, after, the anguish amongst true Muslims was great, while there was celebration amongst the abjectly ignorant.
Amongst many other refutations of the ‘purity’ claimed by the 19, Muslims were murdered in the trade towers. Faux Muslims murdererd devout Muslims. The phony ‘purity’ of the 19 is eternally stained.
There will be no relief for any of the 19 claiming martyrdom. They are not martyrs, not by a long shot and not ever. The 19 are murderers of innocent window washers washing windows on the outside of the towers that day.
They are murderers of janitors just starting their morning rounds and being greeted like family by many of the office people.
The faux Muslims are murderers of grandmothers who brought forth living children and whose children gave birth to beloved children.
They are the murderers of joke-telling, funny, beautiful old grandfathers.
They are murderers of persons from many nations of the world who had come to New York in hope of good things.
They are the murderers of children not yet born, which would bring the total of the trade tower murders to far over 3000 souls purposely killed.
They are the murderers of daddies and mommies who were expecting their first child. Or their second child. Or third child.
They are the murderers of waiters and waitresses who knew just how patrons liked their coffee without asking, and who had a kind greeting for everyone;
They are the murderers of firefighters and police officers who in full voices and full hearts ran to the rescue of others.
They are murderers of that which they themselves were rotted out from and bereft of: Humanity.
There is a saying about those eaten by Satan and whose entrails are left trailing out of his maw… and it is that those who are ‘evil personified’ lust after the tender preciousness of life and want to steal it away for themselves, for they are so without.
But besotted by their necrotic states of mind, their hearts cut away by their own evil actions and choices, they behave like the vampires of eld: trying to steal and if not steal, then kill those who carry goodness, decency, faith, and hope for self and others and the world. The very things the monster lacks.
As psychoanalyst and post-trauma specialist for 42 years, I’ve worked with souls who have lost everything in war and in peacetime… but/and, 9-11 stands alone, as a purposeful and massive massacre of innocents. Listening to the stories and the hearts of those on the west coast, who are the survivor families of those murdered in the planes that day —
and listening and holding many from a small New Jersey working class community that literally lost over a hundred loved ones that day, that is, their kin who were workers in the towers, I can only say this…
May they be comforted by angels. Having met so many survivors and families of those murdered, trust that any good or kind word you might lend to them today is counted in their hearts as good medicine for this day and for all coming days.
I’m of a mind regarding the murderers– they are not ‘highjackers, they are not terrorists, they are not criminals… they are intentional murderers– and I’ve given it a lot of thought over the years– I’m a Catholic, so I’ve been round and round, should I forgive, leave them to heaven to decide, condemn, damn them to eternal nothingness, try to understand, bar them from ever being born again in such condition…
and so far, somewhat pitifully some might say, this is all I have come to that I am certain about with regard to the 19. I know they claimed in their darkened minds that God/ Allah was with them, that God/Allah was ‘on their side’ in terms of their evil deeds. I find that not in the least true. Not even a little.
But, I do keep faith in the following as if it were written on the wall in eternally flaming script, that though God/Allah is not on anyone’s ‘side,’ — that we can be with God/ Allah… which takes a striving toward a holy heart that values humanity. Not to put too fine a point on it: for those of faith, God is not on our ‘side,’ we are on God’s side. Meaning to strive to best abilities to be with the God of compassion and love.
And thus:
May all who grieve be comforted this day.
May all find peace.
the twin towers did not ‘collapse’, they were bombed.
The 19 were not extremist muslims, they were faux muslims.
What the 19 clocked together were not ‘suicide attacks’ they were abject evil in motion, murderous, intentional and without conscience.
The 19 were not militants, they were mentally ill, likely split between dependent personality disorders who are in awe of bold and crazy leaders, and character disordered, what is sometimes called sociopathic, which means without conscience.
The aero plane didnt crash in Pennsylvania, it was purposely taken down
The 19 were not highjackers. They were murderers who highjacked aeroplanes headed home to California, Los Angeles and San Fransisco.
The trade towers were not ‘on fire’, they were in the midst of an fuel oil conflagration that caused living human beings to have to choose to jump to their deaths or be burned to death (Madre de Dios, pray for us).
I personally dont believe George Bush was stunned into inaction when his reading to children in a school was interrupted by an staff person whispering in his ear that planes had flown into the trade centers. I believe he was told, as any reasoned strategist might do, to stay put, until security decided where and when to move him.
Mohammed Atta cannot be relied on, via rumor, nor direct quote, to tell any semblance of truth that you and I would recognize. Evil does not deal in truthtelling.
When some report 2996 persons were lost that day, they are counting the 19 murderers as ‘losing their lives’ as well. For me, that needs a set aside: 2977 innocent souls were murderered. 19 murderers died on impact.
And yes, many other things are true as well that have not been covered here yet, and most of all, that all the souls whose lives were taken are remembered by those who love them, certainly as innocents, but more so as wonderful people who cherished and were cherished. And that too, ought be an essential and clear truth held above the waterline forever.