How exactly? Did the President also pose au naturel to pay his way through law school? No, the similarity is political. In his interview Thursday with ABC, Obama explained,
The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office.
Wait a second…does that mean Obama went up to Massachusetts to campaign against the same forces that got him elected in 2008? No. What Obama meant was,
People are angry, and they’re frustrated. Not just because of what’s happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years.
Ah, yes. When all else fails, blame George W. Bush. But wait another second — is he saying Massachusetts voted Republican because it’s angry with Bush?
This whole set of talking points may be too clever be half. To be fair, it builds on a kernel of truth. The same economic crisis that clinched the election for Obama is now benefiting Republicans. But if Obama keeps it up, he’ll basically be admitting that everyone has just as much to be angry about now as they did before he took office. In addition, Obama would pretty much be saying that Scott Brown has inherited his mandate. My guess is that this line of argumentation will find itself in the dustbin fairly soon.