That photo of the Vice-President with his arms around a couple of grinning White House gate-crashers will do nicely as a symbol for Americans as they count their blessings, real and imagined, this weekend.
While so many were getting their meals at homeless shelters, the headlines are devoted to the reality-show aspirants who breached the most secure location in the nation, decked out in finery and hair-styling that could have paid for hundreds of Thanksgiving dinners.
Economic absurdity aside, how are we to take the President’s speech next week telling how much more American blood and treasure will be spent in Afghanistan to guarantee our domestic safety when two unauthorized strangers can walk into his own house undeterred and have Joe Biden give them a hug?
Loathsome as they are, Tareq and Michaele Salahi may have done Americans a favor by dramatizing in tabloid terms just how illusory the idea of homeland security may be in an age when there are not enough eyes to watch every rathole in every location, high and low.
If the terrorists show up in evening wear next time, who will stop them?