Just in time for Thanksgiving, guess who is back in the news? Yes, it’s Roman Polanski, noted movie producer, escaped felon and pedophile. (Hat tip to Ed at Hot Air.) It seems that old Roman has ponied up $4.5M and gotten himself out on bail. But don’t worry about whether or not justice is being served… he’ll still be doing hard time. In his Swiss chalet.
Bail has reportedly been set at 3m euros (£2.7m; $4.5m) for the film director.
While on bail, Polanski would have to be kept under house arrest and electronic monitoring at his Swiss chalet, according to Associated Press news agency.
And really, why wouldn’t you let the guy out on bail? I mean, it’s not as if he’s a flight risk or anything. Ok, sure… he’s been on the run from the law for more than thirty years, but that’s no reason to think he’d skip town now to avoid prosecution, right?
I wonder what kind of cell mates one runs into in your average millionaire’s Swiss chalet? I’ve heard rumors that the conditions there are, in fact, so brutal that they don’t even put little marshmallows in your cocoa. Oh, the horror.