Wow, I can’t believe that Chicago isn’t part of the United States anymore. How did that happen?
The bizarre coverage of “Obama’s embarrassment” or as I like to call it Rio’s and South America’s triumph only goes to show the state of politics in America. Polarizing.
I have always been told that America and Great Britain are very similar- two peas in a pod if you will. We share the same language, share an unfair hatred of the French and Germans and we have that thing they call “the special relationship”.
But with all our similarities I don’t believe that anyone here in Britain of any political stripe would have reacted with joyous refrain had London not won the 2012 Olympics. I truly don’t believe it. This reaction from the GOP truly puzzles me. Are they not American? (UPDATE: Go here to see some conservatives cheer Chicago not getting the Olympics.)
I understand the politics of such a strategy. Taking away Obama’s shine on the International stage, a stage in which he has performed to the highest of standards will make him weaker and bring down his poll numbers – but it will also make America (the country which Chicago was once situated) weaker.
Let me try and put it another way.
Britain is bidding for the 2018 Football World Cup (soccer to Americans, a change of phrase which I have never understood- if anyone can be so kind as to explain to me why you call football “soccer” and a game which people hardly use their foot “football,” I would be very thankful) – a bid which is likely to be unsuccessful for the fact that London (a City located in Britain…I think) already has the 2012 Olympics. Now it is expected that the Prime Minister of Britain, who ever that may be at the time, takes the time out of his schedule to support the country’s bid. It makes sense right? Shouldn’t the leader of the country make the pitch for a major International event and explain why it should be held in his back yard?
If Obama did not go and support Chicago, a city in the state he served for so many years, and the city still lost, what would have been made of Obama then?
Obama is the US International Spokesperson, it was only right that he was there– that’s what leaders do. I do not believe that this is a liberal or conservative position, I believe this is just common sense – a moderate position if you will.
UPDATE II: Read Andrew Sullivan.
Just a normal everyday bloke writing about films.