So how were Iraqis feeling on September 11, 2009, eight years after the attacks that led – justifiably or not – to the invasion of their land? Judging by this op-ed from Iraqi magazine Iraq of Tomorrow, the people of the country are anything but grateful for the role America has played in their nation’s recent history – despite being free of Saddam.
For Iraq of Tomorrow, Tarek Issa Taha writes in part:
“The attacks against New York on September 11, 2001 constituted a terrible genocide that shocked the world. But at the same time, this horrific crime provided the U.S. Administration with a pretext to launch wars against poorer countries and peoples ruled by corrupt cliques who came to power thanks to this same U.S. Administration.”
After drawing the reader’s attention to the massive aid and training provided by America to the Taliban, Taha writes of Iraqi-U.S. history and the root cause of America’s lack of credibility for many Iraqis:
“Through the ruling terrorist junta, which was comprised of a clique of traitors led by Saddam Hussein and the Baath party, the United States had direct influence over the affairs of the country. It provided the Iraqi dictator with weapons and pushed him into an absurd war against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which ravaged the country and its youth and left it in ruins. That war resulted in terrible casualties on both sides and served mostly the interests of the United States and Israel. ”
Ending on what might be interpreted as a positive note, Taha writes:
“But the Iraqi people, with their long history and experience, are rejecting division and occupation. All of the nation’s political parties are now called upon to come together, speak with one voice and leave partisan selfishness behind for the sake of our nation and national identity. It is time to show tolerance to one another and make common cause.”
By Tarek Issa Taha
Translated By Ahmed Naoual
September 11, 2009
Iraq – Iraq of Tomorrow – Original Article (Arabic)
The attacks against New York on September 11, 2001 constituted a terrible genocide that shocked the world. But at the same time, this horrific crime provided the U.S. Administration with a pretext to launch wars against poorer countries and peoples ruled by corrupt cliques who came to power thanks to this same U.S. Administration. The Taliban themselves, who claim falsely to be Muslim, rose to power with U.S. support during the war against the Soviets. They were trained, armed and guided primarily by the Americans, who stood idly by, oblivious to women’s rights, as the Taliban carried out public executions in soccer stadiums and organized the stoning of women accused of breaking religious laws. Moreover, the U.S. permitted the Taliban to cultivate and export cocaine and hashish as a reward for participating in the war against the Soviet Union.
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