The lawyers wrote the torture memos, but the medical profession was there to implement them.
According to the Washington Post, “documents show a steady stream of psychologists, physicians and other health officials who both kept detainees alive and actively participated in designing the interrogation program and monitoring its implementation…
“Most of the psychologists were contract employees of the CIA, according to intelligence officials familiar with the program.”
The Bush Administration was apparently as active in corrupting doctors as lawyers in violating AMA policies that physicians “must not be present when torture is used or threatened” and may treat detainees only “if doing so is in their best interest” and not just to monitor their health “so that torture can begin or continue.”
The Bush version of the Hippocratic Oath apparently interpreted health care as keeping patients alive and well enough to endure continuing abuse, an ethical position that would not have offended Dr. Josef Mengele of Nazi concentration camp fame.