For some reason, during the transitional period following the last election and the first few salad days of the Obama administration, I foolishly believed that we were seeing some encouraging improvements in political discourse in the blogosphere. In a relatively short period of time, though, things have taken a turn. Check out the collection of comments at Memeorandum by some fairly prominent bloggers in response to President Obama’s recent trip overseas.
“President Pantywaist?” Really? This is where we’ve gone in such a short period of time? There were positive and negative aspects to the president’s tour, and more than enough to criticize back here at home on his handling of the economy thus far, but seriously. Some of the sites which I generally find to be highly reliable voices in the new loyal opposition have rapidly deteriorated to the point where they are a mile wide and an inch deep.
I really need to start focusing more on technology and social issues. The blogs are turning into the bogs, and we’re all going to be covered in muck before very long at this rate.
(Note: Fauxrage Banner courtesy of T.G. Studios)