As my wife so often reassures me, I am hardly ever right.
So, when I am proven right it is an occasion to celebrate.
How about when I am proven one-third right?
Can I just pat myself a little on the back? You be the judge.
But, you ask, how can someone be one-third right?
Well, you may remember—if I was fortunate enough to attract your attention—that one week ago, in “Rush Limbaugh, Michael Steele and Newsweek’s ‘Dignity Index,'” I suggested the following candidates to Newsweek for their “Dignity Index” department:
* RNC Chairman Michael Steele at the “mildly tacky” end of the dignity index with a score of 20 for his unflattering remarks about Rush Limbaugh during the D.L. Hughley show on CNN.
* Rush Limbaugh, with a score of about 60, in the “truly undignified” range for his skewering of Mr. Steele.
* Finally, Mr. Steele, again, with a score of about 80, at the “utterly shameless” end of the scale, for his pitiful groveling to Limbaugh.
Lo and behold, this week’s “Dignity Index” in Newsweek featured the RNC Chair, Michael Steele, with a score of 89 (out of a possible 100) way at the end of the “utterly shameless” range of the scale, for becoming “the latest GOPer to slam Rush Limbaugh and then beg for forgiveness.”
The other two “stars” on the dignity index this week were ex-Countrywide chief Stanford Kurland, for “making a fortune buying up reckless mortgages,” and “Big bad Bernie’s wife Ruth Madoff” for wanting “to keep $70 million in assets, saying the loot was unlinked to the scam.” Mr. Kurland and Mrs. Madoff scored 56 and 68, respectively, on the “truly undignified” part of the scale.
Thus, for being almost right on the mark on my second Steele score, I should be more than entitled to claim that I was one-third right.
However, I also said that “the chances of Newsweek listening to me are around zero.” Since I have no illusions that Newsweek took any notice of my letter—and I did send the letter—on this subject, I am proven right on that prediction, too.
That should entitle me to additional bragging rights—at least on The Moderate Voice.
So here they are.
By the way, Newsweek’s glorious, bold headlines, full press, full color cover story this week is, you guessed it, “Why Rush is Wrong,” written by none other than conservative Republican, former speechwriter for President Bush (the “Axis of Evil” Bush), David Frum—hardly a tree-hugging, bleeding-heart liberal.
Perhaps this is old news, since I receive my hard-copy NEWSWEEK on Tuesday. Also, and perhaps I have missed it since I no longer listen to him, I have not yet heard of Mr. Limbaugh’s comments, if any, on Mr. Frum. But I am sure they aren’t, or won’t be nice.
Other blogs, right on cue, have already started demonizing Republican Frum.
Sounds familiar?