To what degree does the Arab world hold the United States responsible for the deaths being inflicted on innocent Palestinians in Gaza? The level of perceived U.S. complicity is a constantly moving target, but as Israel’s offensive drags on, the level of anger from the ‘Arab street’ being aimed toward the United States appears to be growing.
This editorial from Algeria’s Le Quotidien d’Oran, which was published today [Jan. 8] but appears to have been written on Tuesday, reflects growing Arab frustration with the United States for arming and training Israeli forces, and with Arab leaders for siding with the ‘American line’ in regard to Hamas and Israel in general. It also demonstrates increasing Arab admiration for the military arm of Hamas, which one has to imagine is the last thing Israel and the United States would want to encourage.
For Le Quotidien d’Oran, K. Selim writes in part:
“Bombarded from the air, by artillery and by naval forces, the city has responded with derision to the technology of death made in the USA. … The resistance of the Palestinian people is indeed heroic. … The lone resistance of the people of Gaza and the massacre of innocents with the active complicity of the Americans will long remain in the memory of Arabs and Muslims.”
“Like Hezbullah yesterday, Hamas today heralds new forms of political organization, capable of coping successfully with the imperialist-Zionist war machine. In this storm, Gaza is the vanguard of the Arab World.”
Editorial by K. Selim
Translated By Sandrine Ageorges
January 8, 2009
Algeria – Le Quotidien d’Oran – Home Page (French)
After eleven days of indiscriminate bombing and extreme violence, the “glorious” Western army of Israel has failed to achieve any of its objectives.
Palestinian rockets continue to fall steadily over the colonizers’ territory, and incursions by “elite” troops from the world’s second army (or the first, if one considers that this force of assassins is just another arm of the American military) are confronting effective and determined opposition from a resistance that has only machine guns and grenade launchers.
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