When it comes to putting (undocumented) immigrants in their place, who is better than an immigrant herself?
When it comes to equivocation and hypocrisy on (undocumented) immigrants, who are better than Republicans, especially the Tea Party kind?
When it comes to insulting, belittling, even calling (undocumented) immigrants criminals and rapists, who is better at it than Donald Trump is?
You see, Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana Trump, an immigrant from the Czech Republic, is all for having immigrants coming to the U.S., otherwise “Who’s going to vacuum our living rooms and clean up after us?” since Americans “don’t like to do that.”
While Ivana says she has nothing against Mexicans, she, qualifies, according to The Hill:
But if they [come] here — like this 19-year-old, she’s pregnant, she crossed over a wall that’s this high*. She gives birth in American hospital, which is for free. The child becomes American automatically…She brings the whole family, she doesn’t pay the taxes, she doesn’t have a job, she gets housing, she gets the food stamps. Who’s paying? You and me.
*Ivana lowers her hand to 4 inches above her wall-to-wall carpeting.
We totally understand, Ivana.
Then there are those who rile against illegal immigration, despise undocumented immigrants, even introduce legislation making hiring an “unauthorized alien” a punishable crime.
So what’s wrong with that, you say. It is consistent with Republicans’ views on illegal immigration.
To an extent, yes. However, Republican legislators frequently manage to insert caveats and amendments to be able to continue to use those illegal immigrants, those “criminals and rapists,” as their maids and lawn workers.
In other words, whatever you do about illegal immigration, “Don’t touch my maid, or my pool boy.”
TakeTexas Tea Party darling Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, who in 2011 introduced (Texas) House Bill 1202 that would “create tough state punishments for those who ‘intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly’ hire an unauthorized immigrant. Violators could face up to two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.”
That is, except for those who hire a maid, a lawn caretaker, a house worker — or a pool boy — because not being able to do such would certainly “[stifle] the economic engine” in Texas.
As to the “fact” that undocumented Mexican immigrants are bringing crime, are rapists, you could not have it from a better source.
It comes from a man who has called women ‘fat pigs’, ‘dogs’, ‘slobs’, and ‘disgusting animals.’
It comes from a the man who insulted a former prisoner of war, a war hero.
It comes from a man who believes NATO is obsolete, from a man who would not care if more countries obtained nuclear weapons, a man who does not rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe…
Do I need to say more?
photo credit: No Somos Criminales, Somos Trabajadores II via photopin (license)