A family member told CNN’s Don Lemon that #BlackLivesMatter activist Shaun King is indeed white and not biracial as he claims. Talk about Rachel Dolezal 2.0!
Lemon said during Wednesday night’s edition of CNN Tonight, “A family member tells CNN that both of King’s parents are white.”
King has been blasted by conservative sites such as Breitbart, Daily Caller and The Blaze for fabricating his ethnicity and embellishing or lying about a racially motivated hate crime that occurred during his high school days.
The same family member told Lemon that Shaun King had gotten into a fight because he was “a white guy dating a black girl.”
Lemon asked King about his racial identity: “Initially he did not answer but later referred to himself as biracial. But then when I asked him if that’s what it shows on his birth certificate I did not hear back from him. No answer on that.”
In other words, Shaun King pulled a Rachel Dolezal, but is this really a big deal? There were many whites who played a key role in the Civil Rights Movement, so there is really no need to pass of as anything other than one’s true ethnicity. Kinda reminds me of Peola from “Imitation of Life.” The only difference was that she was bitter towards her mother and the black community. Shaun King is anything but that.
Political news cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.