Twice failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney is gearing up for a third run for the White House. His new platform is to eradicate poverty in the U.S. Um, one problem. The stench of his 47 percent insult, his offshore accounts and Bain Capital’s outsourcing activities are still very pungent. I might also add, the binders full of women PR blunder, plus picking on Big Bird, are still very fresh in the minds of many. Romney for president… now that’s a joke!
“Under President Obama, the rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse and there are more people in poverty than ever before,” Romney said. “Under this president, his policies have not worked. Their liberal policies are good every four years for a campaign, but they don’t get the job done.”
“It’s a tragedy — a human tragedy – that the middle class in this country by and large doesn’t believe the future won’t be better than the past or their kids will have a brighter future of their own,” Romney said. He added, “People want to see rising wages and they deserve them.” Source: Washington Post
Mitt Romney is playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. He’s trying to find a message that will stick. So, this time around it’s poverty. I wonder how he proposes to eradicate poverty when the Republicans in the House and Senate want to kick the social services in place to help the poor right out from under them. Like I said, Mitt Romney for president…now that’s a joke!
This was cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.