Republicans are upset — furious! — at the turn of events in Kansas. As opposition to their candidate grows stronger, the likelihood of their losing a Senate seat from that state has made them desperate, according to a report in The Hill.
With a two-man race now looking all but certain, national Republicans are planning a scorched-earth offensive to frame Sen. Pat Roberts’s (R-Kan.) independent opponent, Greg Orman, as a shady businessman. …TheHill
Orman is backed by Democrats. The Dems’ candidate has withdrawn from the race. Pat Roberts, the Republican, is pretty unpopular. That leaves the Republicans with their last card: demonizing Obama. Orman tries to play it right down the middle.
Though Roberts is unpopular, President Obama fares even worse in the state, and Orman’s best shot lies in remaining nonideological — and separate from Obama — for as long as he possibly can.
That’s been his message in his campaign ads, calling himself an independent fighter for Kansas up against a creature of Washington whose only option is, in true Washington fashion, to go negative against Orman. …TheHill
Of course, even the tea party itself is now a “creature of Washington.” You can’t sleep in Washington and play Washington’s games losing your luster… and your purity. The tea party and the rest of the right are no longer the hope for the future. They are perceived now as a big part of the problem, not a solution.