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While 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president and 50 percent disapprove, just 15 percent approve of the job Congress are doing, while 78 percent disapprove. Furthermore, more Americans disapprove (54 percent) than approve (37 percent) of the lawsuit against Mr. Obama authorized by Republicans in the House of Representatives, which charges that the president exceeded his authority when he delayed a provision of the 2010 health care law — according to a CBS News poll conducted from July 29 – August 4, 2014 among 1,344 adults nationwide.
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Original Post:
Of course we all know by now that the do-nothing Republican Congress is suing the President of the United States — for doing his job.
They are suing him for, through executive orders when necessary, trying to move this nation forward in the face of a Congress that has willfully blocked him, obstructed, him fought him every step of the way.
They are suing him for trying to get something done in spite of those who “hope [that] he fails,” in spite of those whose number one priority for the nation has been “making sure [he’s] a one-term president.”
Wouldn’t it make better sense for the President — for the American people — to sue a Congress that truly has done nothing, nada, zilch?
To sue representatives of the people who have done nothing for the people and yet get royally paid for doing nothing?
To sue them for dereliction of duty and, worse, for sabotaging, gumming up the gears of government for partisan politics at an incalculable price for the people they are supposed to serve.
It is a sound and legitimate idea, and I wish it was mine.
But it belongs to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and to the people who have responded to him.
When I shared that idea, which had been shared with me, on Hardball last night, it stirred an immediate and impassioned reaction.
Many think suing the Congress right back is precisely the way the President should respond to what the Republicans in the House did to him last week. Again and again, the Congress has failed to act on even the most routine matters of official business, like approving ambassadors for posts overseas. Isn’t this a case of Congress denying the country honest and faithful service?
Why are people reacting with such excitement at the notion of the president suing Congress? Perhaps they see the unfairness in the Republicans in Congress approving a legal suit against President Obama. They believe the right thing for President Obama to do is throw it right back at them.
“All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo
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