Yesterday I reported on Oregon Republican Senate candidate Monica Wehbys’ problems concerning harassment charges.
We have had an interesting twist in the Republican primary race here in Oregon. The race is between pediatric neurosurgeon Monica Wehby and Jason Conger. Now Conger is a full blown wingnut while Wehby is not a social conservative so only about half wingnut. Just a few days before the election it was revealed that Wehby was accused of stalking an X boyfriend and there was a 911 call and a police report.
Well today another shoe has dropped.
Monica Wehby’s ex-husband accused her of ‘ongoing harassment’ during divorce: police report
The ex-husband of Republican Senate candidate Monica Wehby accused her of “ongoing harassment” as they were going through a divorce in December 2007, documents obtained by The Oregonian show.
Jim Grant, Wehby’s ex-husband, accused Wehby of slapping him with a pad of paper during a verbal dispute, according to a Portland police report from Dec. 16, 2007.
“Jim said they are currently in a divorce situation and is tired of the ongoing harassment by his wife,” the police report said. “Jim said over the last year Monica has pulled his hair, slapped him and thrown items at him. Jim said he had been violent with her in the past approximately three years or so ago.”
As I noted yesterday Oregon has 100% vote by mail and people have been casting ballots for 3 weeks so this will not impact the election. Wehby will probable win the primary but this will certainly eliminate the very small possibility she had to win in the general election.