“There’s been a certain amount of pop sociology in America … that the Shia can’t get along with the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of Islamic fundamentalist regime. There’s almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq’s always been very secular.”
~Willaim Kristol, April 4th, 2003
William (never been right about anything) Kristol is at it again. He is pushing for war,any war as long as he doesn’t have to fight it.
The forever-bellicose Kristol writes in the latest issue of The Weekly Standard that all this talk of the country’s “war-weariness” is nothing more than “an excuse to avoid maintaining our defenses or shouldering our responsibilities.”
Little Bill thinks the Republicans need someone who will make Americans lust for war one again.
Kristol closes with a plea for someone, preferably a Republican, to make Americans eager for war again.
“Will no brave leader step forward to honorably awaken us from our unworthy sleep?” he writes.
This from the man who thought Sara Palin was a good idea. This from the man who’s own father thought he was not terribly bright. This from a man who has been wrong about everything.