Funny that we’re so “concerned” about the government raping our privacy, but don’t care when the ‘press’ does so.
The murderous clowns of the New York press corpse strike agin!
You’ve got to hand it to our Press Corpse: however disgusting you might have found the Weiner wiener scandal Part the Deux, the “moral arbiters” of the press have managed to race to the gutter MUCH faster. Listen as Rupert Murdoch’s NY Post “moralizes” (as though there were enough morality within the Murdoch Satan Worship organization to spare):
The good wife? Oh, give us a break!
Maureen Callahan / New York PostOur would-be Mayor Carlos Danger has done it again. — After sitting for lengthy, sympathetic profiles with The New York Times magazine, New York and People — where he declared, “I feel like a different person” — serial online sexter Anthony Weiner and his wife …
Turns out Callahan is the pop biographer of Lady Gaga and a long time Murdoch sleazemeister.
So, naturally, we should take every thing she says as if it came from the pope himself. Because one KNOWS that she must totally understand relationships, and, being a Murdoch ‘writer,’ is rilly rilly credible in feminist terms.
Yeah. Right. Sure.
Mr. ‘Moral’ and Mr. ‘Nixon’
Marital advice and psychoanalysis from another offal Murdoch writer?
Do yourself a favor and read yesterday’s post* (and I know you haven’t, because I’ve seen today’s stats).\
[* ‘Masturbation and the Myth of Free Will‘ ]
Don’t know who that “journalist”
was, but she left this ‘silver bullet.’
For an understanding of Callahan, see the post prior to that: ‘The Sick Voyeur at the Center of This (not Weiner, BTW)‘
This isn’t about “SHOW US THE BEEF!”
Rather, it’s about “DON’T SHOW US THE BEEF!”
Got it? Good.
It’s the Murdoch Monday special! (Fake photo)
A writer, published author, novelist, literary critic and political observer for a quarter of a quarter-century more than a quarter-century, Hart Williams has lived in the American West for his entire life. Having grown up in Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico, a survivor of Texas and a veteran of Hollywood, Mr. Williams currently lives in Oregon, along with an astonishing amount of pollen. He has a lively blog His Vorpal Sword. This is cross-posted from his blog.

A writer, published author, novelist, literary critic and political observer for a quarter of a quarter-century more than a quarter-century, Hart Williams has lived in the American West for his entire life. Having grown up in Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico, a survivor of Texas and a veteran of Hollywood, Mr. Williams currently lives in Oregon, along with an astonishing amount of pollen. He has a lively blog, His Vorpal Sword (no spaces) dot com.