As many know, The Onion is an entertainment newspaper — and a website — featuring satirical articles reporting on international, national, and local news. Its articles comment on current events, both real and fictional and parody traditional newspapers…
The Onion has a satire piece on “With the U.S. demanding his return to America, The Onion looks at what Snowden’s current options are”
Here are some of them:
• Set everything right by returning leaked NSA secrets to their original owners
• Flee to a nation with widespread public hostility to the U.S., such as the U.S.
• Found a new country on a piece of land no one has discovered yet
• Point out to U.S government how expensive court battle would be for both sides
• Cackle and deliver defiant speech at federal agents from inside hall of mirrors, leaving them completely confounded as to which one’s the real Edward Snowden
• Apologize to the 254 Americans who actually had a problem with what he did
• Maybe a new haircut?
• Head to international waters, where the only master is the sea
• Get rid of giant fish tank that will probably only slow him down from here on out
• Indulge his thirst for truth with a variety of courses offered under Carnegie Mellon University’s adult-extension programming
• Hide in a backyard boat, maybe
• Reflect and reach the clearly evident conclusion that Americans should never under any circumstances know what their government does behind their backs, and then do the correct thing by turning himself in
And, yes, the national debate on the NSA’s surveillance activities must go on — and that is not satire
Original Post:
We are not supposed to write or talk about leaker Edward Snowden.
But perhaps a little levity will be OK.
Tagged: “Satire,” “Lighten up”