I’m surprised Republicans still push the “thoughts and prayers” line. No, I don’t expect them to drop it in place for actual solutions to gun violence. I’m just surprised that after it’s been mocked so much and pointed out that it’s an empty answer, that they haven’t replaced it with another empty solution.
Thoughts and prayers are nice sentiments…if you add solutions to them. But if you’re going to only give us thoughts and prayers while resisting solutions to end the mass executions of innocent Americans, then thoughts and prayers are not nice sentiments. If anything, you’re using them to continue the status quo of mass shootings.
What’s even worse is that you give us thoughts and prayers while saying it’s “too soon” to talk about gun violence. But at the rate of more mass shootings than days this year, it will always be too soon.
Thoughts and prayers don’t work. The proof of that is there have been mass shootings inside churches.
While I don’t believe in God, I will put him in a cartoon and give you the message of “shaddup.” Keep your thoughts and prayers and give us an assault weapons ban.
Watch me draw:
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