Last week was Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Someone should have told the Catholics:
In Scranton, Pa., every Catholic attending Mass this weekend, will hear a special homily about next month’s election: Bishop Joseph Martino has ordered every priest in the diocese to read a letter warning that voting for a supporter of abortion rights amounts to endorsing “homicide.”
The story is that left-leaning Catholics are fighting back, “criticizing his message for neglecting other aspects of “life” talked about in Catholic social teachings, like concern for the poor.”
A local nun is collecting signatures on a petition for a newspaper ad aimed at those who may be wary of voting for Senator Barack Obama pointing out that racism is a sin.
RELATED: BeliefNet reports on a new Twelve Tribes study finding that Convertible Catholics have become more pro-choice and more pro-gay marriage, while moving to the Right on distrust of Big Government. Convertible Catholics who want fewer services and less spending have increased from 26% in 2004, to 38% in 2008.