by Don Hermann
Intoxicating with all the success Biden has had. Be careful Democrats, you’re stumbling. At this rate, you’re going to need a detox sooner than later.
What’s going on? Every indication points to a landslide in popularity for the Democrats. The economy is humming along. Unemployment is down to record numbers. Employment is up. Jobs are waiting for people. The Market is doing well. And yet the Republicans are in the ballpark with the potential to win the game.
Furthermore, the Republicans’ strategy is to Divide and Conquer. So far, it’s having an impact. They looked at the numbers and it was enough to make a sober man hit the bottle. Do they give up? Or develop an approach to put the Democrats on the defense? No PhD needed there to give that answer.
It was apparent that minorities were in the Democrats’ camp. The latest realistic ballpark figures are African Americans accounted for about 13% of the population. Hispanic Americans another19%. Asian Americans about 6%. Jewish Americans around 3%. Your calculator will tell you that’s pushing 40%. That’s not even dealing with Arab Americans, abortion, social issues and other meaningful areas that will benefit the middle class.
The good marketers that they are, the Republicans worked on a message, pinpointed their market and began to employ it.
Hate became a consistent theme. White Christians their target group. The money people were in place with open pocketbooks. Lower taxes for the rich was part of the reward.
Voting was the key denominator in control. Since the Republicans didn’t have an overall majority they developed plans with the help of gerrymandering to get control of State Legislatures and Governorships.
Making it difficult for African Americans to vote was at the top of their strategy list to win the battle. Realizing that history could favor many of the groups they viewed as problems, they went about eliminating certain books from Libraries and Schools. At the same time they edited other books to minimize information about Slavery and the Holocaust. Recently in Texas a law was introduced to prevent Chinese and others from owning real estate. Divide. Divide. Divide. Conquer.
They’ll attack each group individually and then attempt to gain control of the all important media.
So? Many people know all this. It’s not top of the mind with the Media. With Democrats. When these situations do raise their ugly heads, what happens? It’s meat on the bone for the media and the Democrats get their mouths going with complaint after complaint. In other words Whine.
The experts are quoting polls and research and talking to each other with similar messages. And making money. But where are the solutions with all this research? Where’s the creativity? Where’s the involvement? This is a war.
My response, they got all the answers from books and fancy degrees. They just lack one thing. It’s called heart. What motivates people? Imagination.
If this were a commercial venture, I suspect the majority of these so-called experts would be earning their living doing something far afield from communication.
Priorities. Establish them. It’ll help give you direction.
One last Whine from me. I’m an Ad guy. Ideas. Positioning is my thing. Something the Democrats desperately need. For example, can you describe the Democratic Party to me? For almost two years I’ve attempted to make contact with my Senators, Congressman, Library and other key politicos around the country. A Closed Door.
I think it’s territorial. Stay off our turf. We got whining down to a science. Or is it an art? It’s keeping our pockets jingling.
Graphic: Shutterstock