Many are blaming Harris’s defeat on “wokeness.” It’s true, wokeness may have been a contributor. However, Daily Show host Jon Stewart wisely pointed out the one flaw in this theory. Harris never ran on wokeness. “I only have one problem with the woke theory… I just didn’t recall seeing any Democrats running on woke s**t.” Stewart wisely pointed out that Vice President Harris never supported “Defund The Police”, and President Biden certainly never did. The woke supporters, the “Defund The Police” type have always despised Biden and only finally endorsed him when he became the inevitable nominee. Even then, the far-left progressives only accepted Biden out of fear of Trump.
The groundwork for a lot of the“ woke” movement (that fuels movements including Defund The Police) that many are blaming for Harris’s loss really accumulated under President Obama. A New York Magazine article states “the seeds for Harris’s defeat were planted eight years ago.” In fact, the seeds were planted in 2006, when the Democrats misinterpreted their midterm victory as a que to move to the far -left. Arriana Huffington wrote that Democrats should not take their victory as a que to move to the center, as Democrats had won in 2006 for three reasons; Iraq, Iraq and Iraq. Actually Huffington’s assessment was only half correct. The exact opposite was true, 2006 was not a que for Democrats to move the far-left, as they had only won for three reasons; Iraq, Iraq and Iraq.
Real Time host Bill Maher featured a “New Rule” entitled “How The Left Was Lost.” Maher blasted the Democrats for being too extreme. This was extremely naive of Maher, as the movement that he attacked manifested under Obama(and the Democratic congress of 2006-2008).
President Obama has much more “woke” on his hands than President Biden or Vice President Harris ever did. One signature elements of “wokeness” is “Defund the Police.” But “Defund The Police” is simply the follow- up act to the escalating social movement against the police that started around the time President Obama was elected. While President Obama did not support this movement, he did not criticize it either.
Wokeness is the after-effect of a movement that started in 2006 and escalated under Obama. Yet somehow, the mainstream media and the public managed to issue more blame for Biden and Harris for wokeness. The “woke” movement was not initiated by Biden and Harris, they simply inherited it and were forced to (unsuccessfully) moderate it. President Carter had a lot of groundbreaking ideas, like the importance of energy independence. However, Carter was appointed the blame for things he had no control over, simply because he did not play the part. And while Maher, independents and of course Republicans were attacking Biden and Harris for being too woke, the far-left was frequently criticizing them for being too centrist. Decades ago, Carter’s lack of charisma led to Senator Kennedy’s primary challenge, which paved the way for Carter’s defeat. Senator Scott Brown once said Republicans were always mad at him, and Democrats were always mad at him.\
Being a moderate usually results in getting attacked by both sides. The attacks from both sides almost inevitably leads to loss.
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Thomas Reimer |