by Don Hermann
You can say with confidence our Library is a treasure in our community. Whether you’re a user or not, you know its there for you. Its myriad of services equates that of a much larger city’s Library.
When something as valuable an asset as the Library is in jeopardy, it’s common sense to do what you can to protect it.
It’s sad and frightening to think of what’s happening to libraries around the country. Wouldn’t you agree that one of the major purposes of a library is to provide information for people to become better informed about almost any subject?
AN OPEN DOOR POLICY FOR INFORMATION? The right wing of the Republican Party has been trying to control content through eliminating certain books or changing historical information about subjects like Slavery and the Holocaust. They use budgets as their weapon. Take away money and you can achieve almost anything.
I have discussed the plight of libraries with a number of people. Well educated, informed people. To a person, none had the vaguest idea of the problems libraries were facing.
With all the problems we face politically, wouldn’t you agree that our Library is as valuable and important a resource as any offered by our Government? Without information and assistance available we would have one hand tied behind our backs when it comes to seeking background from historical events to developments about new products, to the latest medical treatments to guidance from live people.
The door is open for lectures, meeting rooms for people of all ages and needs.
The destructive nature of the Republican Party is to take away the freedom of information and our ability to determine what’s best for us and our children to access.
When something is as important as what the Republicans are trying to destroy, shouldn’t the subject be top of the mind for people in Greenwich? Shouldn’t there be a greater presence in discussions publically?
It’s like the concern people had about the Democrat’s advertising. They were looking for fire. Fight. Anger.
Being an Ad Guy, partially retired, 88, I’ve seen a lot. And done a lot. I do have my marbles and know where they are most of the time.
Concepts are my strength. Ideas. Taking difficult situations, mostly small marketers and have them look big and important. Almost every account I worked on had a unique approach to match their needs.
I did something what I believed a concerned citizen of Greenwich would do with my background. I phoned the PR person at the Library and left a message about my impression of the situation and my background. My purpose was to have a conversation and hopefully meet.
I received no response. I phoned twice more. No response. I then sent two different emails. I finally did receive an answer. Not interested in further conversation. No more emails. Their response before it was sent went up the chain and approved by the then Number Two person at the Library.
We had no conversation. And I was blocked.
My impression is that the Library is a public resource. Part of its being is having an open door for exploration of unlimited areas. Discovery. Improvement. For the betterment of the users. And hopefully others.
The point being that thinking applies to both Republicans and Democrats. How can you have progress when doors are closed? Think about it. It’s not I’m right. You’re wrong. It’s how we can continue to make the Library the best possible resource.
That’s a message that’s clear. Describes the problem. Offers the solution. Is honest. And should be able to inspire people to want to appreciate what the Library is facing.
A theme for the Library. Themes are very difficult to create. They usually have little meaning and address the ego of the organization using it.
When they’re appropriated they jump off the page and communicate the message dramatically. Any and all other copy points, visuals, would be a natural fit with the theme.
The Republicans are looking for the key to lock the door on Greenwich.
Please don’t lock the door on me. A short conversation can go a long way.
em>Photo 47702371 / Library © Luckydoor |