Many men in service and their sons were exposed to poisoned water at Camp LeJeune between 1960s and 1980s, and more than 20 of the men now have male breast cancer.
Many of those sick, are denied VA benefits. Completed their mission, but what is owed to them in honor… is withheld.
“Among the chemicals later identified in the drinking water were trichloroethylene, a degreaser; benzene; and the dry cleaning solvent perchloroethylene. Two independent studies have found no link between water contamination and later illnesses, according to the Marine Corps.”
Yes, like the souls downwind of White Sands, the people of Utah, New Mexico, Alamagordo. That counter with x-ray machines behind sterilizing any black person who stepped to the counter. Like the people who were ‘rained’ on with aeroplanes ‘seeding the clouds’ with chemicals in the 1950s, and the spraying of crops from the air over rivers and creeks and schools in the farmlands, and the draining talus slopes of silver and uranium mines still in the West. No link. No links. No. No siree. None.
Bodies, sick bodies, Yes, yes yes siree. Multitudes.