By Thomas Hoffman
Following Hillary Clinton’s surprising defeat, another New Yorker may be preparing to run for the White House. Governor Andrew Cuomo is running for re-election of New York State this year. Cuomo was elected around the same time as another Italian-American from the New York/New Jersey area: Governor Chris Christie. At last report, the two are not on excellent terms. However, Christie once joked that he and Cuomo were “separated at birth.”
New Yorkers once elected another Governor during an economic crisis, Franklin Roosevelt. As Governor, Roosevelt pioneered a relief system for New York. When FDR was President, the New York Relief system served as a model for the New Deal’s Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
Just like FDR, Cuomo is helping his country by helping his state move into the 21st Century. Like FDR, Cuomo became a “New York President” and started his own agenda.
In New York, Cuomo has set his own agenda, and done a decent job of coordinating it through, even with the State Senate in the hands of the New York Republican party. Time Magazine ran an article titled “Who needs Washington?” Cuomo may “want” Washington D.C. (and the White House) but Cuomo certainly has proven he does not need Washington D.C.
Under Trump’s presidency, in these divisive times, Cuomo’s “New York Presidency” is as equally needed. Before he can even consider spreading his agenda past New York, he must get re-elected. Cuomo has engineered a lot of important legislation through the New York Congress: medical marijuana, legalized gambling, gun control and gay marriage.
Cuomo has a demonstrated a talent for being extreme, with centrist ideas. If he does secure a third term, he will have to continue this, and be even bolder, with centrist ideas, that is. He legalized medical marijuana but has not been bold enough in legalizing it for recreational purposes. Another free market idea he engineered paved the way for legislation that would expand gambling in New York. A massive casino resort will debut in the Catskills this year. This could well generate a lot of income for the State of New York, but only a very limited number of casinos are allowed to open, at least at first. This strategy has not been pursued aggressively enough to truly enhance the New York economy.
The Governor must also be more pro-active in transforming New York into-a “no -kill state.” An essential aspect of having a “no kill state” would be providing free neutering and spaying services. This is a secret strategy of countries like the Netherlands, where there are virtually no stray animals. Strict regulation of the animal trade would have to be a state issue, since animals are considered property, and property is usually a state issue. The Governor also must be more pro-active in protecting the environment. Cuomo is shielding New York from Trump’s environmental neglect by keeping New York in the Paris Climate Agreement. Cuomo has announced 850 solar projects. The goal mandates that 50 percent of the electricity in New York to come from renewable sources by 2030. The goal should be to achieve this before 2030.
Cuomo has a problem, and a luxury no U.S. President has. Cuomo has something Christie does not have. A third term. If he does in fact secure the Governorship a third time, he will have to be as bold as ever. This third state election may be the last election before he faces a national election, but it is not his last obstacle. Before he tries to become President of the United States, Cuomo must do an even better job as President of New York.
photo credit: Patja Andrew Cuomo via photopin (license)