TMV readers have been clamoring (well, “clamoring” may be too strong a word) for a constructive discussion and debate on the recently revealed NSA excesses.
Hoping to generate/encourage such a discussion, I have been quoting from and summarizing the superb essays on this issue written by none other than Geoffrey R. Stone, one of the five members of the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies. This is the Group that meticulously examined and analyzed the NSA’s programs and made recommendations to the President in a 300-page report on how our nation should continue to protect our security while “simultaneously upholding the liberties that are at the very core of our national identity.”
The three posts by yours truly (here, here and here) have generated a total of, count them, 12 comments. In contrast, a post on comments moderation at the Huffpost generated 37 comments.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that perhaps this is the result of yours truly not presenting the issues properly, that I inserted myself needlessly, that our readers don’t like the Huffington Post, that my words “just don’t sell well” or because of a myriad of other reasons.
For that reason, this time I will just invite our readers to read for themselves the latest installment by Professor Stone, here.
It is all about the Fourth Amendment as it relates to the issues at the core of the NSA “scandal.”
Please debate and discuss it to your heart’s content. I will not interfere — I promise.