I don’t link to ThinkProgress all that often, but here is one story that’s unfortunately worth a look. It centers on MSNBC regular Pat Buchanan. Please go read the article, but it features Pat hosting an event where they would discuss the best way for Republicans to regain their majority status. One avenue under discussion was to fight for English only initiatives. (For the record, I favor some of these in appropriate areas, while I firmly believe that local interests should be able to have multi-lingual signs, forms, instructions, etc. if they want to pay for it. This particularly applies to areas with a lot of travel and tourism interests.)
Unfortunately for Pat, his meeting had a rather … ummm.. interesting banner hanging over the hall where they defended English as the mother tongue.
Notice anything odd here? I’m sorry, Pat. I enjoy your commentary on a regular basis, but today I’m afraid I must award you and the rest of the event organizers with a brand new award from TMV. It’s the Mt. Stupid Award.