Dr. Charles Stanley, one of the leading pastors in the Atlanta area, is dabbling in politics again, with his “Pray that the President Would” list. Some time ago he made the assertion that we were heading for Socialism in America. Pastor Stanley leads the First Baptist Church of Atlanta and In Touch Ministries. His list is in keeping with the right wing evangelical rhetoric that President Obama is out to ruin this country and promote a country where people are dependent on the government, have no morals, etc. Can’t remember ever hearing him comment about George W. Bush or Bill Clinton for that matter. Dr. Stanley based his list on 1 Timothy 2:1-5:
Pray that the president would:
- Realize the position was obtained either by God’s choice or His permissive will.
- Recognize personal inadequacy for the task and look to God for the wisdom, knowledge, and courage to succeed.
- Restore dignity, honor, trustworthiness, and righteousness to the office of the presidency.
- Readily forsake a political career and personal ambitions if it is necessary to do so for the best interest of the country.
- Reverse the destructive trends of humanism and atheism—which attempt to dethrone God and deify humanity—because they ultimately result in an ungodly society.
- Respect, honor, and obey the Constitution of the United States—the protector of our freedoms.
- Reject all counsel that weakens our defenses against aggressors or endorses agreements that would do so in the future.
- Refuse to promote a way of life in which citizens of our nation become increasingly dependent upon the government for their needs, thus surrendering their freedom to prosper.
- Remember accountability to almighty God for attitudes, motives, behaviors, and decisions that affect our nation.
- Resolve to establish a presidential term in which America regains its position as first among nations—when people can prosper individually, feel secure, and take pride in their American citizenship; and Almighty God is recognized as the source of all our blessings.
When Charles Stanley went through his divorce some years ago, he didn’t want people to judge him, since he was preaching against divorce in his church. So, why is he judging President Obama? If he is blowing the dog whistle of government dependence, then why is he asking for donations to help the poor? It’s interesting that Charles Stanley would base his right wing evangelical views on a chapter in the Bible. Here is what 1 Timothy 2:1-5 says in the NIV Bible:
1. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2. for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4. who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.
He wrote this in the Washington Post on October 8th:
But I believe that our votes do make a difference. In fact, I am convinced that every generation has a responsibility to safeguard the wonderful liberties we’ve been given, at every opportunity we are offered to do so. We cannot afford to be apathetic, because our democracy is always just one generation away from being lost. This is especially true because of the serious issues confronting our nation today. Terrible financial difficulties, increasing unemployment, and a rise in the number of broken families tear at the very fabric of our society. If we fail to consider how it all impacts the generations that come after us, the consequences will be devastating.
I confess I often think about the path America is on and how it will affect my grandchildren. What will this nation be like when they have their children? Will they have the same opportunities you and I had? Will they experience the same liberty to serve God and raise their families with the values they hold dear?
The comments left by some of the readers were very interesting, particularly the one in which he or an associate pastor allegedly said President Obama supports policies that are at odds with Christian evangelical beliefs. Full disclosure: I am a member of North Point Community Church, which his son, Andy Stanley leads. I must add, his son is nothing like him.
This was cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.