WASHINGTON – You knew it was going to hit the minute the Obama skeet shooting photo was released. The New York Post went berserk over the photo, but it was David Plouffe who got the best laugh.
Day made. The skeet birthers are out in full force in response to POTUS pic. Makes for most excellent, delusional reading. #whereistrump
— David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) February 2, 2013
The attacks also ignore that the official White House photographer Pete Souza had to also be involved.
One comment I received cited “poor shooting form,” with others joining in on the Obama derangement.
But nothing encapsulates the skeet birther Obama derangement like “American Thinker,” which has to be in quotes after the latest rant on Obama’s “photoshop” skeet shooting.
Second, it is evident that the President has never shot a shotgun before as his stance is leaning slightly backward. – “American Thinker”
My husband guffawed out loud. “Yeah, he just touched it off. This is a 12-guage!” It’s a ported, over-under 12-gauge. “Very nice,” was Mark’s comment.
It gets better.
Smoke going straight out the barrel is normal, but what the heck is that second smoke stream shooting behind and away from the barrel? Perhaps some sort of release value to diminish the recoil from the shot but I’ve never seen that on a range. – “American Thinker”
Whoever the guy is over at “American Thinker” is either an idiot or a liar, maybe both.
Mag-na-port International does shotgun porting. It’s been around for decades. He didn’t bother to Google it before expounding on “7 reasons why it’s photoshop,” with most of the reasons laugh out loud hilarious, at least Mark and I had a good chuckle over them.
The spray coming out the top, as Mark explained it, on which “American Thinker” was absolutely clueless, is because it’s “ported,” with some of the energy going up, making the gun not kick so much. Just about any weapon can be ported.
At least President Obama didn’t shoot any of his friends in the face.
But wait! Skeet birther “American Thinker” has more.
Fourth, either skeet or trap shooters wear either a shell bag or a vest or both. Apparently, the president is too tough for that. Fifth, most shooters wear baseball style caps. – “American Thinker”
A vest and a baseball cap are reasons it’s photoshopped? Seriously?
Thank the shooting gods Dick Cheney was wearing a vest and a cap while mistaking his friend for a quail.
These skeet birthers are just too entertaining.
Taylor Marsh, is a veteran political analyst, a former Huffington Post contributor, Broadway babe and talk radio dabbler, and is the author of The Hillary Effect, available at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon. Her new-media magazine www.taylormarsh.com covers national politics, women, foreign policy, and culture.